Staying Accountable: Tools and Tips to Keep You on Track
Embarking on a health and wellness journey is a commendable step, and staying accountable to yourself is a key element to ensure your success. While support from friends, family, and your health coach can be incredibly helpful, self-accountability empowers you to take control of your health and well-being. Today, we’ll explore why being accountable to yourself is so crucial and share some practical tools and tips to help you stay committed to your health goals.
Listening to Your Body
What does my body need? What food am I craving? These are just a couple of the questions I ask myself as an Intuitive Eater. My brain is a super computer so why should I ignore it?
The Mind-Body Connection: The Meditation Matrix
Do you know about the Mindy-Body Connection? Are you knew to meditation and curious about it’s benefits or where to start? Read on!
Eat the Damn Cookie
Intuitive Eating is all about listening to you body’s cues, and sometimes I just want a cookie - and that’s ok!
Morning Rituals - Sorry Coffee, But I Just Don’t Love You
Morning rituals set you on a positive path, whether you choose tea or coffee, but I know what I’m starting my day with!
Understanding the “why” when setting your goals
It’s interesting how a bad habit starts. But when you finally decide to make a change for the better, it’s important to understand the “why” because the likelihood of your success may depend on it.
Caring for Your Body During Stressful Times
Stress is an inevitable part of life, affecting us all at various times. While we often think of stress as an emotional or mental burden, its physical manifestations can be just as impactful, if not more so.
Rediscovering Bread in Lisbon: From Taboo to Treasure
Many of us grew up with the notion that some foods were inherently "bad" for us, with bread often topping that list in the world of health and dieting. Yet, as a health coach and intuitive eating counselor who recently relocated to Lisbon, Portugal (I still can’t believe I am saying that - woohoo!), I've been inspired to revisit this notion and share a new perspective on this staple food that is deeply woven into the fabric of Portuguese culture.
An Evening Routine to Help You Relax
The benefits of legs-up-the-wall pose will help you feel rested, relaxed, and ready to sleep.
The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
Not getting enough sleep? Read on to learn why getting quality zzzs will help you more than you know.
Embracing Our Journeys and Challenging Perceptions
I was recently reminded that the journey of healing your relationship with food never ends. But even though there will be challenging moments, the work is always worth it in the end.
Small Ways to Feel Better
Sometimes, the funks come out of nowhere and can hang over our heads like a dark cloud. But with a few small steps, some patience and self-love, this too shall pass.
Surviving Swimsuit Season
Swimsuit season is upon us! Before your anxiety meter goes crazy and you start comparing yourself to everyone around you, take a pause and focus on a bit of self-acceptance and self-care, it will do you a world of good.
American Medical Association & BMI - change is happening!!!
Using body mass index (BMI) to determine an individual’s “healthy weight” is not only outdated, it’s harmful, upsetting, and downright wrong!