Stressed out? Tired? Anxious? Let me introduce you to viparita karani, aka legs-up-the-wall pose. A super-simple pose that any yoga newbie can do and only requires a wall and a few minutes of your time. I've been doing this for a few months now, just before bed, and the stress relief alone has been a game-changer.
Slowly lower your back to the floor and put your feet up against a wall. You may want to lay on a yoga mat or towel for comfort. (I lay on my bed and rest my legs on the headboard)
Gently wiggle your body closer to the wall until your sit bones are against the wall and your legs are vertically above you with both legs above your hips. You can rest your head against the floor
Put your pelvis in a neutral position
Relax your face and neck and rest your hands on your belly or beside you on the floor
Relax all parts of your body while keeping your legs propped up against the wall
You can stay in the posture for 10 to 15 minutes or whatever is comfortable for you